Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Free Bugaloo shoes 4 U contest!

This post is totally not related to Hong Kong but worth reading nonetheless!

My friend Barbie is having a little contest on her blog...please check it out and enter to win a free pair of Bugaloo shoes!  I know some of you ladies are expecting mamas or have little ones so get on over to her blog and check it out.  Easy to enter, no gimmicks! :)

The Bugaloo shoes are soft sole shoes but are cheaper and nicer than some of the other leading brands (according to Barbie - I have not seen them myself, but I trust her excellent taste!).  Check out the line of shoes here.

Happy Thursday...hopefully I will be back with an actual HK post soon! 



Bar-b said...

Hey won the contest!!!! Yippie!!!!!!!!

Becca said...

Awesome!!!! :) Thanks Barbie!